Home Care Division
Home insurance premiums continue to rise. To prepare and protect your real estate investment, and to keep your insurance valid, we offer standard and personalized programs. Absentee owners can rest assured our team will provide the number of regular inspections requested by you, as required by your insurance, in an effort to prevent damage to your home from a variety of potential risks.
The result? Fewer claims, lower insurance premiums, a protected strata property.
WRM’s home care division will provide inspection reports on the secure owner access portion of this site. Inspections include:
- Visual inspection of interior and exterior property using standard checklist
- Ensure windows and doors are secured
- Check for broken water pipes or flooding from hot water tanks
- Ensure heat is at an adequate temperature
- Flush all toilets and run all taps
- Check for presence of rodents and pests
- Produce inspection report with photos
- Secure owner access to website for reviewing inspection reports
Additional Homecare Services Available on Request
- Management of seasonal maintenance contracts
- Home Cleaning
- Contractor access to your home/strata lot