How many strata buildings does WRM manage?
Our company currently manages approximately 200 strata corporations located throughout Whistler, Sea to Sky and beyond.
Is WRM bonded? Insured?
Yes. WRM is bonded and carries General Liability insurance coverage of $5 million, as well as an Employee Fidelity coverage of $2 million.
How are after-hours emergencies handled?
Owners and residents reporting an emergency can contact our 24-hour emergency phone number. The call is dispatched to our on-call strata agent with a response time ranging from 5 to 30 minutes, depending on the location of the property. If someone is required to attend your property, we have a maintenance team that is available around the clock.
Please note that using 24-hour emergency strata services may result in fees for property or unit owner.
Do Strata Property Agents conduct site inspections?
At WRM, we believe that regular inspections by a Strata Property Agent are critical to efficient, prudent management of the property. You can expect your Agent to visit each property weekly to identify potential issues, follow up on any projects that are underway, or ensure contracts such as landscaping and snow clearing are being followed.
Can WRM assist with long term capital planning, major building projects or a building maintenance plan?
Yes. We have built strong working relationships with consulting, engineering and general contracting firms to facilitate common area and building envelope projects or inspections.
Is WRM a responsible employer that cares about its staff?
WRM believes our employees are our most valuable resource. We foster a work culture allowing for both flexibility and accountability while encouraging the growth of individuals. Our vision emphasizes the importance of a supportive team environment.
Does WRM compensate Strata Property Agents with salary or commission?
Strata Property Agents are compensated on a salary basis. Each Agent has a regulated portfolio size, enabling them to provide each client with the attention they deserve.
On average, how many properties are assigned to each Strata Property Agent?
The portfolio size ranges from nine to twelve properties depending on the type, location and demands of each property.
Are Strata Property Agents provided with ongoing education?
WRM holds weekly meetings with their agents and provides ongoing education courses and seminars in order that Agents keep up to date with any industry changes.
I just bought my strata lot. What do I need to know about my property?
Upon purchasing your home you will receive a “welcome package” from WRM that includes contact information for your Strata Property Agent, information regarding strata fees and methods of payment and any forms required to ensure efficient communication between yourself and the strata corporation. If you do not receive your welcome package within three weeks purchase please contact our office.
Do I need insurance for my strata lot? Do the strata fees cover insurance?
The strata corporation carries insurance for the common property and assets, as well as general liability insurance for occurrences on the common property. Homeowners are strongly encouraged to obtain coverage for in-suite possessions, rental loss, unit upgrades, third party liability, etc. WRM has several providers that specialize in strata insurance. You may contact your Strata Property Agent for more information regarding your strata corporation’s insurance coverage.
As an owner, do I need to attend the Annual General Meeting?
WRM encourages all owners to attend the general meetings of the strata corporation. This is an opportunity for owners to voice their concerns and learn about the operating budget, bylaws and rules; as well as participate in the election of the strata council members.
How long will it be before minutes of a meeting are received?
Minutes of both council and general meetings will be drafted and circulated for approval by the strata council within one week of the meeting date. Final distribution of general meeting minutes to all owners will be completed within two weeks following the date of the meeting. WRM also hosts a webpage that allows owners of subscribing strata corporations to view minutes, bylaws, notices, etc for their strata corporation.
How does an owner contact the strata council?
Owners or tenants wishing to correspond with the strata council will forward their correspondence to their Strata Property Agent. The Agent will then correspond with the strata council.
How do I file a complaint regarding a violation of a bylaw or rule, such as noise or pets?
All contraventions of a bylaw or rule must be forwarded to the Strata Property Agent in writing. It is important to provide as much information as possible, including locations, times, dates and the nature of the contravention to assist in quickly resolving the situation.
How do I get approval to modify my strata lot, such as installing hardwood flooring?
An owner must obtain approval prior to making modifications to their unit in accordance with the requirements of the strata corporation’s bylaws. Applications should be forwarded to the Strata Property Agent in writing and include such details as the nature of the modification, technical details and location of the proposed upgrade. An application form for alterations can be found in the ‘Forms’ section of this website. The completed application will be forwarded to the strata council for review. Some alterations may require a presentation to the ownership at a general meeting, particularly if they involve alteration to limited or common property.
What if I want to rent my strata unit? What do I need to know?
A strata lot owner wishing to rent their unit must initially refer to the strata corporation’s bylaws to determine if a rental restriction bylaw has been registered. If a restriction exists, the unit owner should contact the property agent for direction. If a restriction does not exist, all owners renting their unit must ensure that the required “Form K – Notice of Tenant’s Responsibilities” is completed and returned to the property agent prior to the date of the tenancy commencement. The Form K is available under the ‘Forms’ section of this website.
How do I obtain strata documents?
Many strata documents such as minutes, newsletters and bylaws are posted in the secure “Owners” section of this webpage. Additional documents can be obtained through wrm. A fee for retrieval and copying of documents may apply.
How do I request a Form F: Certificate of Payment or a Form B: Information Certificate for a strata lot?
All Form F and B requests are handled through EStrata Hub. A link is provided under the ‘Forms’ section of this website. Once the order is received by our office it will be fulfilled based on the request parameters.